U&lc Reinterpretation

U&lc Newsprint:
In this project, you will exercise layout skills, setting type styles, grids, flow lines, etc., in a large format newspaper print inspired by the first typographic publication, U&lc. Using primary resources, you can scan for imagery and use original prints in your interpretations.
After analyzing the article about Herb Luabin, you will be asked to create compositions that display that text and interpret 4 spreads (8 pages) from any original prints provided in class. Interpret each spread you choose through your lens. Be inspired, but do not replicate.

You will analyze the publications grid, formatting, and contents to determine your modern take on a typographic magazine.

Learning Objectives
Learn to interpret information through a historical lens
Practice skills in generating and creating publication content
Explore hierarchy utilizing a combination of text and image
Interpret publication grids, styles, and layout
InDesign mastery
  • Two, minimum 12-page printed publications (one for me, one for you)
  • MAX 24 Pages
  • Behance Post or Social Post of Final work (can be 1:1 or 16:9)
  • Colors + Typfaces are up to you
  • Imagery/illustrations are required
  • Must include your interpretations of 4 spreads (8 pages) from the original prints


You will be using InDesign for this project 

Page Size Suggestion: 12.5 x 19 in
Spread Size Suggestion: 25 x 19 in
Margins: determined by you
Column: determined by you
Horizontal lines: determined by you